

自短暂的寒假以来就好久没有更新博客了。这其中固然有时间紧缺的原因,但是越来越远离于折腾,叛变回归 win 和 Mac os 阵营或许是最大的原因。这里先记述最近使用过的几款学生专属优惠的软件和互联网服务吧。


Auto desk 产品都有教育版,通过 edu 邮箱申请教育版许可证就可以: Autodesk software for students, educators, and educational institutions

以使用教育邮箱下载学生免费版 Maya 为例:
点击 SIGN IN ,使用 Autodesk 账户登陆(如果没有可以先用学校的 edu 邮箱注册一个)。 注意在注册的时候,它会让你选择学校,可能你所在的学校不在它的列表里面,这是就需要手动添加你的学校名称。成功后会让你选择版本、操作系统和语言:

注意,如果是注册学生优惠正确的话,在选择完这三项后会自动出现序列号和 product key. 选择好之后点击 Install Now 就可以下载并直接安装了。Autodesk 系列的软件(CAD、3D MAX)都可以这样免费下载。

Jetbrains IDE 优惠

Jetbrains 家的所有 IDE, 如 Pycharm, Idea, Clion 等的专业版对学生都是免费的。在 JetBrains Products for Learning 页面完成注册即可领取。
如果教育授权过期但是学校的 edu 邮箱仍可以使用的话,仍然可以继续 renew

Github 学生优惠

Github Student Pack 大礼包相当丰富:

目前包括在内的一共有 21 项优惠:

  • ATOM editor
    Benefit Open Source by GitHub, free for everyone

  • aws educate
    Benefit GitHub Student Developer Pack members receive up to $110 in bonus AWS credits for a total of $75-$150

  • bitnami
    Benefit Business 3 plan (normally $49/month) free for one year

  • cart
    Benefit Free account upgrades with increased database storage, real time data, Location Data Services Credits, and premium features for 2 years.

  • CrowdFlower
    Benefit Access to the Crowdflower platform

  • Datadog
    Benefit Pro Account, including 10 servers. Free for 2 years.

  • DigitalOcean
    Benefit $50 in platform credit for new users

  • Flatiron School
    Benefit Free one-month membership ($149 value) to Community-Powered Bootcamp: a proven online Web Development course with a curated community of learners.

  • Github
    Benefit Unlimited private repositories (normally $7/month) while you are a student.

  • GitKraken
    Benefit GitKraken Pro account for 1 user. Free for 1 year (normally $60/year).

  • Hackhands
    Benefit $25 in platform credit

  • Microsoft Imagine
    Benefit Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Community 2015 and the rest of the Microsoft developer tools while you’re a student

  • Namecheap
    Benefit One year SSL certificate (normally $9/year)
    Benefit One year domain name registration on the .me TLD (normally $18.99/year)

  • SendGrid
    Benefit Student plan 15K free emails/month (normally limited to 200 free emails/day) while you’re a student

  • Sentry
    Benefit 500,000 events/month with unlimited projects and members while you’re a student

  • Stripe
    Benefit Waived transaction fees on first $1000 in revenue processed

  • Taplytics
    Benefit Complete access to the suite of tools for native mobile apps. Unlimited access to the platform free for 6 months.

  • Thinkful
    Benefit One month of access to a web development course that will get you started with HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and developer tools. Includes access to online office hours with experienced developers for feedback on your work and help when you need it.

  • transifex
    Benefit One year free of the Starter plan, a $99/month value. Get 50,000 hosted words, unlimited projects, and access to translation partners to bring your software to a global market from the start.

  • travis CI
    Benefit Private builds (normally $69/month) while you’re a student

  • Unreal Engine
    Benefit Unreal Engine while you’re a student
